

  1. Identification of matrixes
  2. Application of matrixes in hortocultural field
  3. Application of matrixes in fruit field
  4. Assessment of the impact of matrixes on the composition, organoleptic quality and nutraceutical properties of the fruits
  5. Validation of matrix techniques dispensation and of their impact on the fruits quality in the demonstration farms


  1. Training activities


  1. Administrative and coordination activities and cooperation exercise
  2. Dissemination activities and partecipation in the community network of PEI AGRI and Rete Rurale Nazionale

Expected results

  1. Reducing soil contamination, especially from nitric nitrogen
  2. Providing organic farmers with new fertilizing products that can also be used by conventional growers as alternatives to chemical fertilization
  3. Improving the organoleptic and nutraceutical quality of horticultural products
  4. Using bio-based waste products from the local agro-food industry, thus reducing transport and fertilizing costs
  5. Improving the farm carbon footprint
  6. Increasing soil organic matter and thus soil water holding capacity

These results will contribute, in the short period, to the development of a circular economy model at local level, thus improving environmentally sustainable practices in the area.

The impact of the project outcomes on local environmental sustainability will be considered even more significant if the project outcomes will induce local conventional farms to adopt integrated practices where, thanks to the use of alternative organic matrixes, the input of chemical fertilizer may be strongly reduced.